

 Eliminate auditory symptoms

    What is vertigo?

    Vertigo is the subjective sensation of movement, of spinning of the environment or oneself, or of falling without this actually happening. Vertigo is usually accompanied by severe nausea, loss of balance and a feeling of impending fainting. When vertigo becomes recurrent, the affected person's daily life may be seriously affected.

    Types of vertigo

    Peripheral vertigo

    This is the most common type of vertigo. It is caused by damage to the posterior labyrinth (inner ear) or vestibular system and is often associated with hypoacusis (hearing loss) and pressure in the ears.

    Central vertigo

    Central vertigo is caused by damage to the central nervous system.
    It may sometimes be accompanied by double vision, unsteadiness or a severe headache.
    Similarly, vertigo can be categorised into objective vertigo (the person perceives that the environment is spinning around them) and subjective vertigo (the person feels that they themselves are spinning around).

    Symptoms of vertigo

    The person suffering from vertigo experiences a sensation of movement or spinning of the surrounding objects or of themselves. In addition, during a vertigo attack, the person may experience slurred speech, double vision, weak limbs and other related pathologies. It is also not uncommon for vertigo to be accompanied by nausea, dizziness, sweating, tachycardia, fainting, anxiety and even facial paralysis.

    Causes of vertigo

    Vertigo is usually caused by a series of disturbances in the ear, in the nerve connection from the inner ear to the brain or in the brain.

    There are several risk factors that can lead to the onset of a vertigo attack. These include viral or bacterial infections, neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, tumours, migraines or the use of certain ototoxic drugs. Similarly, blood pressure disorders, inflammatory-infectious processes, cranioencephalic trauma or Ménière's Syndrome can influence the onset of a vertigo attack.

    Vertigo treatment

    Ototech's cochlear electrostimulation therapy has proven to be a very effective treatment for vertigo. It is based on the application of low intensity currents in the area behind the pinna in order to stimulate the metabolism and regenerate tissues that may have been altered. As a consequence, the cells of the inner ear are able to set the restorative mechanisms in motion effectively.

    Data shows that this treatment is highly effective, which also translates into a greater ability to concentrate and an improvement in the physical and mental wellbeing of the person treated.

    Frequently asked questions

    How do I know if I have vertigo?

    Vertigo is the subjective sensation of movement, of spinning of the environment or oneself, or of falling without this actually happening. Vertigo is usually accompanied by nausea, loss of balance and a feeling of impending fainting. If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, it is crucial that you see a specialist.

    What type of vertigo do I have?

    There are two different types of vertigo: peripheral vertigo (caused by damage to the inner ear or vestibular system) and central vertigo (caused by damage to the central nervous system). Similarly, vertigo can be categorised into objective vertigo (the person perceives that the environment is spinning around them) and subjective vertigo (the person feels that they themselves are spinning around). A specialist will determine the type of vertigo you have and the treatment you need.

    What are the causes of vertigo?

    Vertigo is usually caused by a series of disturbances in the ear, in the nerve connection from the inner ear to the brain or in the brain. There are several risk factors that can lead to the onset of a vertigo attack, such as migraines, vascular disorders, tumours, the consumption of alcohol or certain drugs or viral or bacterial infections.

    At what age is vertigo most common?

    Vertigo can occur at any age, although it is more common in people aged between 40 and 60. It is also more common in women.

    Why Ototech?

    Ototech's cochlear electrostimulation therapy, along with another treatment performed at Ototech, has proven to be a very effective treatment to cure vertigo. In the majority of cases, people treated with this therapy experience a significant reduction in symptoms and the resulting improvement in physical and mental wellbeing that this entails.

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