Treatment Hypoacusis
Get your hearing back
What is hypoacusis?
Hypoacusis or hearing loss is a sensory disorder characterised by a decrease in hearing sensitivity. It can occur unilaterally, when only one ear is affected, or bilaterally, when both ears are affected.
Hearing loss usually occurs gradually, so it is sometimes difficult to identify its onset. However, the longer it goes undiagnosed, the more difficult it is to treat. It is therefore important to be aware of the early signs of hearing impairment and to see a specialist immediately.
Symptoms of hypoacusis
The main signs of hearing loss or symptoms of hypoacusis are: difficulty understanding a conversation when more than one person is speaking, not hearing quiet sounds (telephone, buzzer, low voices, etc.), frequently asking for things to be repeated and confusing similar words.
Hypoacusis is a sensory disorder that affects the communicative life of the person who suffers from it.
If you struggle to make out conversations or can't hear the TV properly, you may be suffering from hearing loss that needs to be diagnosed and treated.
Causes of hypoacusis
There are a number of reasons why a person may suffer from hearing loss. Firstly, it is important to identify the type of hypoacusis you have in order to determine its cause and the treatment to be applied. Therefore, the different types are:
Transmissive or conductive hypoacusis:
A person is said to have transmissive hypoacusis when there is a mechanical difficulty in the outer and/or middle ear that causes hearing loss.
The most common causes of this type of hearing loss are ear wax build-up in the ear canal, seromucous otitis and otosclerosis.
Sensorineural or perceptual hypoacusis:
Sensorineural hypoacusis occurs as a result of injury, disease, inactivity or death of the cells in the nervous system that transform sound into an electrical stimulus and then conduct it to the brain. The causes of this disease are presbycusis or age-related hearing loss, Ménière's syndrome and childhood infections such as the measles, mumps or meningitis.
Hypoacusis treatment
The auditory cells are located in a cavity called the cochlea. The cochlea is an organ specialised in transforming sound into an electrical wave, which then sends a signal to the brain. Hearing problems such as hypoacusis often occur when the auditory cells are damaged. Ototech's Electrostimulation Therapy allows the cells in the inner ear to trigger the restorative mechanisms effectively. In order to do so, it uses the impulse of electromagnetic waves that interact and act directly on the damaged structures of the inner ear.
According to a scientific study on the efficacy of Transmastoid Cochlear Electrostimulation, more than 50% of patients treated with this therapy showed significant hearing improvement. Moreover, people who undergo this treatment not only experience an improvement in tonal audiometry, but also an improvement in their hearing quality. This results in an increased ability to concentrate, reduced hearing sensitivity (hearing loss) and improved physical and mental wellbeing.
Furthermore, unlike other therapies, Transmastoid Cochlear Electrostimulation is a painless and non-invasive therapy. There are no side effects and no complementary medication is required.
OTOTECH therapy for hearing loss
Scientifically proven results of Ototech Therapy

Frequently asked questions
What type of hypoacusis do I have?
There are three types of hypoacusis, depending on which part of the ear is affected: transmissive, sensorineural and mixed.
What degree of hypoacusis do I have?
The classification based on hearing threshold is used to identify the degree of hypoacusis suffered. This method assesses how much a person’s hearing threshold has been reduced. According to this classification, a person may suffer from a mild, moderate, severe or profound loss.
What are the causes of transmissive hypoacusis?
The main causes of transmissive hypoacusis are otosclerosis, cerumen accumulation, seromucous otitis, infective otitis, tympanic perforation or scarring, cholesteatoma or the existence of a foreign object in the external auditory canal.
What are the causes of sensorineural hypoacusis?
The causes of sensorineural hypoacusis are presbycusis (age-related hearing loss), acoustic neuroma, childhood infections, Ménière's syndrome and adult viral and bacterial infections. In addition, acoustic trauma, some genetic disorders, the consumption of ototoxic substances such as alcohol or cocaine or certain medications can also cause the onset of this disorder.
Why Ototech?
According to a scientific study conducted by an external consultancy on the efficacy of Transmastoid Cochlear Electrostimulation, more than 50% of patients treated with this therapy showed a significant hearing improvement. In addition, many hearing aid wearers reported greater comfort with their hearing aids after completing therapy.